Aphex Twin fans across the nation will run for the hills when then see this episode of Extraordinary People. The infamous video for the electro legend’s 1997 single "Come to Daddy" features millions of small children, all with a replica of Aphex’s grinning face between their shoulders. It’s terrifying. The dizzying grins are similar, but don’t fear; these little ladies are harmless.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a clone? Another human being with the same face, body and DNA as you? Well, imagine having three clones:a little gang of yourself. Imagine the scrapes you could get each other out of. Imagine the fun, the confusion, the noise. But imagine giving birth to four babies at once...now that could be slightly less enjoyable.
Steve and Allison Mathias married in 1997. They lived in family-friendly Lexington, South Carolina and like many other young couples they wished for a baby. Allison was delighted when she fell pregnant, but she got much more than she bargained for. Her belly swelled, and swelled, and swelled a bit more. For despite not undergoing fertility treatment, Allison was expecting four babies; a veritable litter. Because of her unusual situation, Allison was referred to a hospital in Columbia and placed under the charge of a specialist in high-risk pregnancy. But in February 2000 Allison gave birth to four absolutely identical baby girls, defying odds of one in ten million.
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The girls were all born prematurely and with a low birth weight so their future looked precarious. But five years down the line they are all happy, healthy and endlessly entertaining. Alison informs us, "I have a leader; a – I hate to say – whiner; and then somebody who thinks she's the boss; and I have a teaser".
This film follows the Mathiases story from the surprise news of the pregnancy and the life-threatening birth to the day the girls start school. Throughout, passers-by stop Allison in the street to shriek, "Excuse me ma'am, are they for real?" In this mind-boggling film we see the four mini personalities in action - from leader Grace, Allison's firstborn, to the baby of the group Anna, with only 30 seconds between each birth. Allison thinks the girls fill the usual sociological roles of birth order, only in this case the births were just moments apart.
We hear all about the trials and tribulations of bringing up four babies at once. As well as the initial worry of getting the quads mixed up, the costs were immense and the Mathiases had to rely on family, friends and health insurance. Each girl had her own place at a special feeding table donated to the family by the church. At six months old, a $1000 worth of formula fed the girls for two weeks. The Mathias quads also went through 10 jars of food, 16 bottles and 32 nappies a day, and their weekly supermarket bill is $250. We also hear how Masters graduate Allison had to leave her job in a hospital to become a full time mother, and how the Mathiases cope when going on holiday with four rowdy girls asking "Are we there yet?" Not to mention the squabbles over who gets the front car seat, who sits by mum at the dinner table and who gets the biggest portions of macaroni cheese...
Identical twins are produced when one egg is fertilised by one sperm; sometime after fertilisation the egg splits into two halves. Identical quads are miraculously created when the two halves split again. They share 100% of the genes and they really are each other's natural clones.
Births of quadruplets have increased by some 400% since 1974 as the advent of IVF treatment has made multiple births far more common than ever before. But IVF can never produce identical multiples, making the Mathias clan an incredibly rare sight to see. There are estimated to be only 58 sets of identical quads in the world!
We’ll be joining the squawking little girl gang at a crucial time as they embark on their first day at school. This film captures the nerves of the quads and the confusion of the teachers as they head for their first day in class. We’ll also marvel at how incredibly close the sisters are as they help one another through one of the first big steps of their lives.
"My little babies are all grown up," Allison says, confessing that it will partly be a sad day. But surely she’ll be grateful for the peace. She later concedes that this is the place the girls will begin to show their own personalities, and she’s also looking forward to not hearing everything in four way stereo all day.

We hear all about the trials and tribulations of bringing up four babies at once. As well as the initial worry of getting the quads mixed up, the costs were immense and the Mathiases had to rely on family, friends and health insurance. Each girl had her own place at a special feeding table donated to the family by the church. At six months old, a $1000 worth of formula fed the girls for two weeks. The Mathias quads also went through 10 jars of food, 16 bottles and 32 nappies a day, and their weekly supermarket bill is $250. We also hear how Masters graduate Allison had to leave her job in a hospital to become a full time mother, and how the Mathiases cope when going on holiday with four rowdy girls asking "Are we there yet?" Not to mention the squabbles over who gets the front car seat, who sits by mum at the dinner table and who gets the biggest portions of macaroni cheese...

Births of quadruplets have increased by some 400% since 1974 as the advent of IVF treatment has made multiple births far more common than ever before. But IVF can never produce identical multiples, making the Mathias clan an incredibly rare sight to see. There are estimated to be only 58 sets of identical quads in the world!
We’ll be joining the squawking little girl gang at a crucial time as they embark on their first day at school. This film captures the nerves of the quads and the confusion of the teachers as they head for their first day in class. We’ll also marvel at how incredibly close the sisters are as they help one another through one of the first big steps of their lives.
"My little babies are all grown up," Allison says, confessing that it will partly be a sad day. But surely she’ll be grateful for the peace. She later concedes that this is the place the girls will begin to show their own personalities, and she’s also looking forward to not hearing everything in four way stereo all day.