Bullfighter Julio Aparicio GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight22nd May 2010
Spanish matador Julio Aparicio needed two operations after he was horrifically gored through the throat during a bullfight in Madrid. The half-ton bull, called Opiparo, struck after Julio Aparicio lost his footing and stumbled while carrying out a pass with is red cape in a packed Las Ventas bullring.
One of the animal’s horns tore into his throat and punched through the bottom of his mouth as the crowd screamed in horror at the bullfight last night.
The force of the impact lifted the matador into the air, puncturing his tongue and fracturing his jawbone, before the bull threw him to the sand.
Fellow matadors dashed to the rescue and managed to distract the bull so medics could get to Mr Aparicio. The 41-year-old managed to struggle to his feet, but collapsed with blood pouring down his neck and had to be carried from the ring.
He had an emergency one-hour operation in the Las Ventas medical centre, before being transfered to the October 12 Hospital in Madrid, where doctors performed an emergency tracheotomy and worked to reconstruct his jaw, tongue and the roof of his mouth during a six-hour operation.
A spokesman for the hospital said: ‘He remains in the intensive care unit of the hospital, has regained consciousness and his vital signs are stable.’ His father, also called Julio Aparicio, said there were no complications during the surgery. See The actual Video Here:
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NOTE: Is this sport good for a true human being? Some may say yes.
Here's what other's have to say:
Comment by Dielle on May 31, 2010 5:26 amI just would like to congratulate Mr Aparicio on being gored through the neck and jaw by the glorious bull. It was a sight to behold and I wish he had been gored through the eyes instead, or at least have the bull’s horn emerge from his eye sockets.
I’ve read he continues to suffer infection and pray to Enlil and Enki that his condition continue to deteriorate. May Mr Aparicio be lowered six feet deep in time to come as he is not worthy of living a life as his. I continue to hope that similar matadors meet a similar or worse fate with each and every bullfighting event.
Comment by John on May 25, 2010 8:37 pmWhile i don’t at any level agree with what those people are doing to animals, i could not wish any human this kind of fate. I must say though that since the bull clearly won, he should have been treated like a king for the rest of his life, instead of being put down.
Comment by Anna on May 25, 2010 3:21 pmHe deserved to have his ears cut off and more! What pigs to do this to these poor creatures.
They obviously need to abuse to make themselves a man!
Comment by Valérie Rouzeau on May 29, 2010 7:05 amI thought when the bull “won” he stayed alive, in fact whaterver he does he’s killed at the end, c’est dégueulasse.
Comment by matthew on May 25, 2010 7:18 amThe best contrast is seeing the guy one moment before being gored posing like all this shitheads of matadors like masters over life and death, and then after the accident you see this silly expression in his face and him not knowing whats going on . its always nice to see a preposterous human being humiliated.and bear in mind, this guy is a killer, what he does to an animal because it can not defend itself properly he would do to a human as well if he didnt have to fear punishment.so fuck that faggot, he should have died.
Comment by Marcos on May 24, 2010 7:53 pmI didn’t read any single comment in favor of the bullfighter. I’m not surprised. What these stupid guys do are not but a barbarie. In fact, most of people, as me, were happy. The bullfighter felt the taste of his own blood. He will probably never apeak again and even have difficult in swallowing cause his tongue may have been seriouly injured.
Comment by Maria on May 23, 2010 12:33 pmThis guy is a dirtbag and got what he deserved. The bull should not have been punished what so ever.
Comment by Simon on May 22, 2010 11:01 pmShame it didn’t kill him.
Comment by billy on May 22, 2010 10:40 pmI dont feel sorry for him look what he did to the bull. What does he expect?
Comment by Martuska on May 22, 2010 9:35 pmThese poor animals are pushed to the limit and eventually they snap! This is nothing compared to what the human is capable of doing. I’m sure they’ll all get over it! As long as the profit is coming in by the millions $$$$$$$$$$ they will continue to torture these animals but… next time, this guy may not be so lucky.