The formation of the Grand Canyon is a problem for Uniformitarian geologists, but fits well into the framework of the Biblical global flood. Exposed within walls of the Grand Canyon are rocks that were likely created during the creation, along with massive layers resulting from sedimentation during the flood. Flood geologists such as Steven Austin assert that during the last half of the year of the flood, the Colorado Plateau was lifted by tectonic forces more than a mile above sea level. This uplift then formed a dam, which blocked river drainage and caused one or more lakes to build behind the dam until it was breached. The erosion of the massive canyon system was probably driven by landslides and high-speed waters carrying gravels and other sediments during the catastrophic lake drainage.
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Grand Canyon - Monument to The Flood (1996)
Features creation geologists Steven A. Austin, Ph.D., George Van Burbach, Ph.D., Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D., and Kurt P. Wise, Ph.D. This Video discusses the Grand Canyon formation in a Biblical point of view. National Geographic, Discovery Channel, and BBC will not show this great scientific data about "rapid burial, rapid fossilization and rapid erosion" because this will contradict their false view of Evolution. Most Evolutionist scientist adheres the faulty assumption of "Millions or Billion of years" for the Grand canyon to form. But with an open mind, you will realize in this video which is true.
The Grand Canyon provides a tremendous example of the results of large-scale erosion, which is important in developing an understanding of the mechanisms likely to have been active in the Biblical global flood. For many years creation scientists have taught that the Grand Canyon was formed rapidly when a large lake on the northern border of the Colorado Plateau broke through its natural dam. In contrast, secular science has taught that the Colorado river eroded the canyon gradually over millions of years based on the uniformitarian assumptions. However, researchers have recently determined that the Grand Canyon is a geologic infant in comparison to previous estimates, and it has been concluded that indeed much of the canyon was eroded rapidly as a result of dam failure.