Muslims are good people, but The ISLAM religion.....(needs a second thought).
This Documentary will SHOCK you and change your mind towards the Islam Religion. This film will reveal the TRUE NATURE of Islam. Most common people say "it's a religion of peace", but after you finished studying this Documentary - The HARD TRUTH will open your mind and heart. That is why some Muslims are turning their backs from ISLAM, because they KNEW all along the TRUE CORE and Motives of ISLAM Faith ~ "to convert all people in Islam, and KILL those who are NOT willing to submit."
Remember, a TRUE BELIEVER is Commanded by Christ... ~ "Thou shalt LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. ~ Jesus Christ (Mark 12.31)
This Documentary will SHOCK you and change your mind towards the Islam Religion. This film will reveal the TRUE NATURE of Islam. Most common people say "it's a religion of peace", but after you finished studying this Documentary - The HARD TRUTH will open your mind and heart. That is why some Muslims are turning their backs from ISLAM, because they KNEW all along the TRUE CORE and Motives of ISLAM Faith ~ "to convert all people in Islam, and KILL those who are NOT willing to submit."
Remember, a TRUE BELIEVER is Commanded by Christ... ~ "Thou shalt LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. ~ Jesus Christ (Mark 12.31)
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"They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever KILLETH you WILL THINK THAT HE DOETH GOD SERVICE. And these things WILL THEY DO unto you, because they have NOT KNOWN THE FATHER, nor ME." ~ Jesus Christ (John 16.2-3)
THIS MEANS, True Christianity does not kill people, but are being KILLED because they follow ALL Christ's LAW (including "to love thy fellowmen").
Again this FILM is not an anti-Muslim but for research only. Please do not use this video for debate.