Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Exodus Revealed - Red Sea Crossing.(2001) DVDRip

Released: March 27.2001 - This DVD follows the footsteps of the children of Israel in an unforgettable journey of discovery. A journey that reveals physical evidence for the Exodus including: the remains of 3800 year old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta, Egyptian records of the Israelite's bondage under Pharaoh; the precise route they may have followed to freedom; their crossing site on shore of the Red Sea; and the location of Mt. Sinai. This DVD brings to light the first significant archaeological "find" of the 21st century.

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Ron Wyatt - The true Discoverer
The discovery of the Red Sea Crossing begins with Ron and his two boys taking a dive in 1978 and found chariot remains. They were covered in coral, which made it difficult to see them clearly, but it appears that the coral was the agent the Lord used to preserve them. They found numerous wheels- some were still on their axles, and some were off. They found chariot cabs without the wheels. (Exod. 14:24,25)

They found several 6-spoked wheels, as well as an 8-spoked wheel. And finally, in 1988, Ron found the 4-spoked gold chariot wheel, which looks almost perfect. The reason this one was so well preserved is that coral does not grow on gold. The wood inside the gold "veneer" was deteriorated, which made it very fragile.

Ron did retrieve a hub of a wheel which had the remains of 8 spokes radiating outward from it. He took this to Cairo, to the office of Nassif Mohammed Hassan, the director of Antiquities whom Ron had been working with. Mr. Hassan examined it and immediately pronounced it to be of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. Mr. Hassan explained that the 8-spoked wheel was only used during the 18th Dynasty. Only during the 18th Dynasty were the 4, 6 and 8 spoked wheels used - and that monuments can actually be dated by the number of spokes in the wheel.


This video retraced some of Ron Wyatt's discoveries without ever giving him any credit for his work, or even mentioning him.

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