Friday, October 29, 2010

Time Traveler Seen in Charlie Chaplin Movie 1928

October, 28 2010 — Charlie Chaplin is regarded by many film buffs as a visionary. A man perhaps ahead of his time in many ways. But did he document cellphone technology in 1928? Irish filmmaker and Chaplin fan George Clarke has his questions. Upon buying a box set of Chaplin films he ran across a few seconds in "The Circus" - see the whole movie here - that certainly appears to be an older person strolling behind a zebra holding what appears to be a mobile to his or her ear. Notice how she talks before the fade. Watch The Video Online Here

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Cell Phone Inventor was born 1928
- Martin Cooper (born 26th December 1928 in Chicago, Illinois, USA) was a vice president and division manager who led the Motorola team that developed the handheld mobile phone (as distinct from the car phone). Cooper is the CEO and founder of ArrayComm, a company that works on researching smart antenna technology and improving wireless networks, and was the corporate director of Research and Development for Motorola. The original Motorola DynaTAC handset, weighed 2.2 pounds and had 35 minutes of talk time. Cooper has said "The battery lifetime was 20 minutes, but that wasn't really a big problem because you couldn't hold that phone up for that long." By 1983 and after four iterations, Cooper's team had reduced the handsets weight by half. The list price was around $4,000 (2010: $10,000). Cooper left Motorola before they started selling handheld mobile phones to consumers. Watch Video Online HERE

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Possible explanation 1:
For a while, the carbon amplifier patented by Siemens played a major role in hearing aid technology and significantly raised the volume of hearing aids.

The electrical energy controlled by the carbon microphone was not fed to the receiver directly. It first drove the diaphragm of an electromagnetic system connected to a carbon-granule chamber. Current was transmitted across this chamber from the vibrating diaphragm electrode to the fixed electrode plate.

The amplified current produced mechanical vibrations in the electromagnetic hearing diaphragm that were then transmitted to the ear as sound.

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Possible Explanation 2:
Watch the first man's shadow (darker), while the lady's shadow is fading. This may imply she was transported in the timeline of 1928. Because different time is occurring every time, she may be unaware that she is on a different time as she SPEAKS on her mobile phone.
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